Protoqual Learning Systems, LLC

Protoqual Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy describes actions that Protoqual Learning Systems, LLC ("Protoqual") prohibits when any party uses Protoqual's service (the "Service"). This Acceptable Use Policy is incorporated by reference and governed by the Terms of Use that apply to Users with accounts ("Terms of Use") which takes precedence over any conflicting provisions in this Acceptable Use Policy. All capitalized terms in this Policy not otherwise defined in this Policy have the meanings assigned to them in the Terms of Use. You may not use the Service without agreeing to this Acceptable Use Policy. Thus, you agree not to use, and not to encourage or allow any User to use, the Service in prohibited manners, including the following:

Please note: This list of prohibited uses is provided by way of example and should not be considered exhaustive. All determinations related to violations of this Acceptable Use Policy will be made by Protoqual in its sole discretion.

Thanks for taking the time to read this Acceptable Use Policy.

Last Modified: October 3, 2024